سوالات زبان تگلیسی سال دوم دبیرستان درس چهارم قسمت دوم

متن زیر را بخوانید و برای هریک از جاهای خالی کلمه مناسب انتخاب کنید.

only – reason – against – forgot – better – showed

Nowadays it’s ……1…….the law to make children work in mines and factories. Charles helped a lot. His book ………2…… people what a terrible thing was going on.

Charles had a good ……3……..to help those children. He had to go out and work when he was a boy. And he was ……4…..ten years old. He never ………5……those terrible days. He wrote his book so that other children could have a ……6… ….life.

با دانش خود کامل کنید.

1. I am always ………….for poor people in the street.

2. No one likes ………….people, you should treat others kindly.

3. Is there any ………….why you are late?

4. Don’t let the little child ……………….the hot kettle.  

کلمه های داخل پرانتزها را با ترتیب مناسب در جمله بکار ببرید.

 1. It is ………………..(stone – a – bridge)

2. I have ………………….(watch – gold – a )

3. They are ………………….(iron – plates)

4. It is …………………..(plant – a – mountain )

5. They are …………………..(flowers – the – garden )

6. She bought ………………….(river – two – fish)

7. I read ………………(newspapers – the – morning)

8. He goes to …………………(class – night – a)

9. They are ………………….(night – workers)

10. This is …………………….(a – factory – car )

11. He is ……………………..(taxi – a – diver)

12.Those are ………………….(books – English )

13. My father works in …………….……( mine –  a – caol)

14. There are …………………on the table.(books – two – history )

15. A driver who drives a car is ………………(car – a – driver )

16. Mr. Dastmard is ………….…….(maths – teacher – our )

17. She wore …………….… around her neck.(gold -a – chain – heavy )

18.  My mother has ………….….( old – necklace – an – diamond )

شکل صحیح افعال داخل پرانتزها را بنویسید.

1. He wants …………………English perfectly.(learn)

2. They should …………………tonight.(study)

3. May I………………… the class?(leave)

4. Sara is trying ……………her old car.(sell)

5. He promised …………………the letter soon.(answer)

6. We are planning ……………Tehran this summer.(visit)

7. He has decided …………..the old house.(sell)

8. They couldn’t …………….the book.(finish)

9. What began ……………..? (glow)

10. I would like …………around the world.(travel)

دیدگاهتان را بنویسید

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