سوالات زبان تگلیسی سال دوم دبیرستان درس شش بخش اول

1- در جاهای خالی از ضمایر زیر استفاده کنید.

myself – yourself – himself – herself – ourselves – yourselves – themselves


1- My father ………….… fixed the car last week

2- You and your sister ………….… must wash the dishes.

3- My aunt makes all her own clothes ………….… .

4- I cut ………….… with a knife yesterday .

5-  We enjoyed ………….… very much at the party.

6- This is your shirt. You must wash it ………….… .

7- Mr and Mrs Miller built a house for ………….… .

8- George will buy a coat  for ………….….

9- Maryam’s  parents ………….… took her to the zoo yesterday.

10- Mary’s grandfather ………….… saw the accident .

2- افعال داخل پرانتزها را به صورت صحیح بکار ببرید.

1- They …………. wet if it rains. ( get )

2- If she …………. too much , she’ll be ill. ( eat )

3- If you send a telegram now , he …………. it this evening . ( receive )

4- If Mr Amini …………. you , he’ll speak to you. ( see )

5- He’ll come and see you if he …………. time . ( have )

6- They …………. out if it doesn’t stop snowing. ( not to go )

7- If it …………. We will go on a picnic tomorrow . ( not to rain )

3- متضاد لغات زیر را بنویسید.

1- after   …………..                                     2) difficult     …………….

3- bought   …………..                                 4) the same     …………….

5- better   …………..                                   6) turn off     …………….

7- near   …………..                                     8) was born     …………….

9- early   …………..                                    10) always    …………….

11- put on   …………..                              12) wrong    …………….

تلفظ :

4- کلمات داده شده را بر اساس طرز تلفظ حروف صدادارشان ، در ستونهای مربوطه بنویسید.

law – here – bird – four – star – worn – hear – word – we’re – yard – learn – scarf – steer – heard – bought

        /  : /                         / a: /                         /  /                                      / 3: /

       call                          hard                      real                          were

 ……………          ……………           ……………            ……………

 ……………          ……………           ……………            ……………

 ……………          ……………           ……………            ……………


5- جملات زیر را با کلمات داده شده کامل کنید. ( یک لغت اضافه است ).

need – disease – time – free – muscles – advise – suddenly – business – covered

1- He will give you some ………….    about where to go .

2- I don’t have much ………….    time .

3- The trees are …………. with fruit.

4- He …………. some extra money for the weekend.

5- He left the house very …………. .

6- Can this …………. be cured ?

7- It’s mother’s …………. to help her children.

8- If you hurry , you’ll arrive in …………. for the film.

6- دیکته :

1- I was very th – rsty , so I drank a – hole glass of water.

2- I was minding my own b – sine – sS – d enly I went hic and my friend started to gig – l – .

3- This med – cin – is good for this kind of dise – se .

4- We were s – cces – ful in sc – ring the cruel man.

5- She opened her mo – th for  a few sec – nds.

6- He fin – – ly found his book yesterday.

دیدگاهتان را بنویسید

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