سوالات زبان تگلیسی سال دوم دبیرستان درس چهارم قسمت اول

برای هریک از جملات زیر کلمه مناسب انتخاب کنید.

miner      –       factory    –      use     –      machine  

1. She bought a washing …………………….

2. They make cars in the …………………….

3. Can I …………………… your phone?

4. A person who works in a mine is called a …………….

earns      –       mines    –      rich     –      against

1. There are many diamond(الماس)……………… in Africa.

2. He ………………… about 500000 tomans a month.

3.The opposite of ” poor” is ” …………………… “.

4. She is ………… seeing him because he has been cruel to her.

watery     –       hurt    –      accidents    –      happened

1. You’ll never guess what has ……………………!

 2. A lot of people are killed every year in road …………..

3. Her eyes were red and ………….. from crying.

4. He …………………… his back playing squash.

crying      –       happens    –      touch     –      feel

1. You’ll ………………… better after a good night’s sleep.

2. Don’t …………………… that plate—it’s hot!

3. The baby was …………………… for its mother.

4.  What …………………… if nobody comes to the party?

real      –       although    –      shining     –      story

1.Although the sun was …………… it wasn’t very warm.

2. ………… small, the kitchen is well designed.(طراحی شده)

3. It wasn’t a ghost(روح); it was a ……………… person.

4. He read a ………………….to the children.

terrible      –       against    –      averted(برگرداندن)     –      law

1. She was made to marry …………… her will(خواست-میل).

2. She ………her eyes from the terrible scene in front of her.

3. By ……………………, you are a child until you are 18.

4. I’m in a …………………… predicament (مخمصه)

sad      –       reason    –      bowl     –      died   –      cruel      –     

1. I can’t stand(تحمل نکردن) people who are …………to animals.

Sometimes parents have to be ………… to their children.

2. I’d like to know the …………………… why you’re so late.

3. We are very ………………… to hear that you are leaving.

4. Her husband …………………… suddenly last week.

5. A …………… is a deep round dish with a wide open top.

family      –       boss    –    sorry –       hospital     –

1. He had to go to ………………… for treatment(معالجه).

2. Almost every …… in the country owns(داشتن) a television.

3. Can you ask your ……….. if she’ll let you leave early today?

4. I’m ……………I’m late – the traffic was terrible.

با توجه به مفهوم جملات زیر گزینه مناسب را انتخاب کنید.

1. People cried when they watched “Oliver Twist” on TV because he had a terrible life. It means ………….

a. Oliver had a happy life           b. Oliver earned much money

c. it was a sad film                    d. Oliver wanted to watch the film

2. After reading “Oliver Twist”, they made laws so that the poor children have a better life . This means that people ………..

a. didn’t help the poor children

b. made laws that never helped poor children

c. tried to change the life of the poor children

d. understood that children didn’t a hard life

3. Parents shouldn’t be cruel  to their children. This means  parents should ………………..

a. make them work                        b. be against the law

c. love their children                       d. make them cry

4. He felt sorry for children in England, where he was born . According the sentence he ………

a. he felt sorry for England        b. he felt sorry for himself

c. he was from England             d. he was far from England

5. Very young children shouldn’t work in coal  mines. It’s against the law.  According the sentences it is against the law to ………………. them work in the mines.

a. make                     b. earn                 c. show                   d. promise

6. My brother was taken to a hospital after the terrible car accident.  It means he …………….

a.  was hurt                                   b. worked in a hospital

c. liked the hospital                         d. felt well

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